Privacy Policy
Use of personal data in compliance with the GDPR
The Remixt platform is designed to guarantee the anonymity of your participation, while ensuring that only employees of the company access the platform dedicated to them and participate, only once, in the proposed surveys.
For this purpose, we use a single personal data (securely protected) : your professional e-mail address, transformed into a series of indecipherable characters via an irreversible encryption technique.
This irreversible encryption technique has the particularity of assigning a unique signature to a given character string. This allows us, when you enter your email to log in, to send you your temporary and non-identifying login key.
You can request the deletion of your account at any time by contacting (but you will not be able to access the platform).
Anonymity of the information collected
To allow us to offer the most accurate picture of the interest and expectations for each topic through your organization, while guaranteeing the anonymity of the contributions, 3 non-identifying characteristics are associated with each user account: gender, age group and zone.
These characteristics are calibrated (age range limits and definition of zones) to ensure that they do not identify a single employee. Only one piece of information is collected for each user account: the ID of the questions answered (not the answers). This ensures that each user answers each question only once, so that the results of the consultations cannot be manipulated.
Responses are not associated with any user account. They are simply incremented in counters linked to each characteristic, without any possible crossing of the different characteristics. Open-ended responses are only associated with the characteristic « zone ». They are not transmitted directly to the company but go through a phase of synthesis and reformulation by a Remixt consultant who ensures that no identifying element is communicated to the company.
Deletion of personal data
User accounts (irreversibly encrypted professional email address) and their associated data (non-identifying characteristics, identifier of answered questions, but no answers) will be deleted as soon as the Remixt platform dedicated to the company's employees is deactivated.
The Remixt platform is designed to guarantee the anonymity of your participation, while ensuring that only employees of the company access the platform dedicated to them and participate, only once, in the proposed surveys.
For this purpose, we use a single personal data (securely protected) : your professional e-mail address, transformed into a series of indecipherable characters via an irreversible encryption technique.
This irreversible encryption technique has the particularity of assigning a unique signature to a given character string. This allows us, when you enter your email to log in, to send you your temporary and non-identifying login key.
You can request the deletion of your account at any time by contacting (but you will not be able to access the platform).
Anonymity of the information collected
To allow us to offer the most accurate picture of the interest and expectations for each topic through your organization, while guaranteeing the anonymity of the contributions, 3 non-identifying characteristics are associated with each user account: gender, age group and zone.
These characteristics are calibrated (age range limits and definition of zones) to ensure that they do not identify a single employee. Only one piece of information is collected for each user account: the ID of the questions answered (not the answers). This ensures that each user answers each question only once, so that the results of the consultations cannot be manipulated.
Responses are not associated with any user account. They are simply incremented in counters linked to each characteristic, without any possible crossing of the different characteristics. Open-ended responses are only associated with the characteristic « zone ». They are not transmitted directly to the company but go through a phase of synthesis and reformulation by a Remixt consultant who ensures that no identifying element is communicated to the company.
Deletion of personal data
User accounts (irreversibly encrypted professional email address) and their associated data (non-identifying characteristics, identifier of answered questions, but no answers) will be deleted as soon as the Remixt platform dedicated to the company's employees is deactivated.